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BOBMUGU, BOBMUGUMUHAMMAD{at}aol.com, 2004.09.19 02:15 |
Carol, ladybug{at}valkyrie.net, 2004.09.14 18:22 |
Katja, wishing you the best of luck and God's blessings on your travels through Africa. And especially for the blessings you brought to NOW Ministries in Lusaka, Zambia. http://www.nowministries.net
John, jishibashi at hotmail, 2004.09.14 00:30 |
Im glad to see you traveled well. We met in livingstone with my sister. I just found the card you gave me and i wanted to wish you the best of luck with your travel. ciao |
Rodjer, rodjer{at}yahoo.com, 2004.08.28 03:01 |
Very good website you have here, and I am glad to put my step in to your guestbook. I send you and your visitors my best greetings. |
Eileen, links{at}agiosgroup.com, 2004.08.25 15:48 |
What an amazing adventure you are having. I wish could pack everything up and do it myself! If you fancy coming through the Med........ |
Mariska, swanlo{at}webmail.co.za, 2004.08.20 21:37 |
Hi Augustus. I will try my utmost to be at the Mugg&Bean at the Waterfront for the get-together of the couch-surfers. I am having classes on Saturday mornings, but I will try my darndest to be there to meet you and everyone :o) |
Steve, stevemonty{at}yahoo.com, 2004.08.17 18:46 |
Hi Katja, bom dia
Good to read about the great adventure you are having. Make me long to be back there myself again.
Kwasi Appiah, kappiah98{at}yahoo.com, 2004.08.14 22:11 |
Interesting travels. But Katja about your comment regarding Maputo being dirty and all African cities being dirty as well - don't you think you travel to more other cities before making that kind of sweeping comments? Don't drop your objective mind! try to be level-headed and look at things through the eyes of other tourists. The best way to enjoy Africa is to llok at people and interact with them and enjoy the scenes through your own eyes. |
Kerli, kerlik{at}hotmail.com, 2004.07.30 13:45 |
Hej Augustas,
Thank you very much for the nice travel stories. Its like reading a book. Keep on going and good luck with your future challenges. I am happy for you and...must admit I envy you for the environmental project you are in...:-)
Hugs Kerli |
ieva, 2004.07.29 17:51 |
hey guys, you are great! i wish you luck and success! inspiring action! i look forward to hear oncomming news:)) ! |
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