Katja Lachmann


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Embassy of Mozambique and 1st contact in Maputo!


Still in Berlin, I do not have much time to think about the trip. This is due to my exam period now - 10 exams left in two weeks! If I will take them? Mh...

Last Tuesday I was at the embassy of Mozambique. It was interesting as it was the first time for me applying for visa. Yes, for Germans it is VERY difficult to get any visa. This is NOT because they do not want to let you enter the country but you hardly need visa for entering "the world". Thus it was a quite new experience and a very nice one.

The embassy of Mozambique in Berlin is placed in a business building. When I entered the embassy there were three man standing in the corridor talking loudly - in portuguese I guess. Right beside the door was a reception where I gave all my papers for the visa. The woman behind the reception was very friendly. We were starting to talk as I described that I will not fly into and out of Mozambique but come from Johannesburg, South Africa, and will leave to Malawi. Happily, as she asked me for, I prepared beforehand a list that includes more or less all data about my stay in all countries I want to travel. I applied for a one months single entry visa even if I hardly will stay a whole months in Mozambique (as a matter of time). In the trip list I gave an approximate period of two weeks time. Next Tuesday, July 3, I will know if they approved my application.

For all of you that want to know where in Berlin it is located here the address:

Embassy of Mozambique
Stromstrasse 47
10551 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-39876500

They are open Monday - Friday 9:30 - 12:30.

After finishing application process one of the men in the corridor started to ask me where I plan to go exactly. I explained and found out a few general information. Most of them I knew already, but information to water supply and landmines it was more concrete. I was told as long as I keep to the big roads and read the signs (if there are any) and do not go to the very North I will not encounter problems with landmines and water (in bottles). I asked moreover if I can trust water bottles and he adviced me to have a second look at the bottle before I buy. Thus it can be it is just "filled up" with water from ??? Who knows. I asked about camping, too, and he told me to ask local people to put my tent as they are very friendly.

I also got my first reply from a guy living in Maputo. He is the only one that replied to my 30, 40 or 50 request I have done. I do not remember exactly the number of requests as I was searching many weeks the internet and sent immediately requests concerning help in finding cheap accomodation. I was very happy. I found his CV in google.com and as he seems to have quite much experiences with living abroad and speaks different languages I contacted him. He replied and was so kind to offer help in finding affordable accomodation in Maputo. Besides he offered assistance whenever I need. I will meet him when arriving in Maputo.