Katja Lachmann


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Letters | katja |

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I arrived yesterday in Vilanculo after crossing with an exciting old ferry from Inhambane to Maxixe for 8.500 MT (), having a terrible meal at "STOP" restaurant, being scared to death during camping in Maxixe as somebody kept walking around my tent the whole night (sometimes the person was off but came back and it made me having about just 2 hours of sleep), being at 7:15 a.m. on Monday at the bus station, waiting till 10:30 until it left, paying 100.000 MT from Maxixe to Vilanculo, sitting in a crowd of good smelling people in a chapa and having stomach problems...I am here, I am happy now and after checking out Bobab Beach Resort and finding no good place to put our tent (cost 120.000 MT) we went to Casa Jesus and it is just lovely. The cost are 100.000 MT to camp and 400.000 MT if you want a one room apartment. I decided to camp and had happily a dog sleeping before my tent. Thus no way of being scared. The only nervy thing was a bird that made sounds exactly at my falling asleep time. It made me waking up and searching for my ear plugs. I put them in, heard it though, but a bit less noisy. It was sitting right up in the tree over my tent...

After five hours sleep, I had a great breakfast. Water was boiled on an oven from one of the very friendly guys working at the lodge. They are origins, very friendly, nice, always help you and it feels you get a bit of the real life here in Vilanculo. Yesterday, they were cooking their meal what they seem to have every evening. I will try to find out what it is and maybe get the receipt. It would be just great to have cooked my own a local dish.

Internet is quite expensive here, 120.000 MT per hour, what means 2.000 MT per minute. I cannot count it out now in Euro, but I will do later.

At the moment I am searching a lift to Beira. I really would like to cross river Zambezi at Caia, but the roads are said to be the worst existing in Mozambiqe. And I have no car...Let's see. Becky will most probably go to Bazaruto Island what I am not going to visit. Reason is that it is just Island and paradise for those that love to scuba dive and snorkel. I do not do these things thus it is not worth spending money.